Bring Them Home
How ZAKA is ensuring that every Jew can have a proper Jewish Burial in Israel
Bring Them Home
How ZAKA is ensuring that every Jew can have a proper Jewish Burial in Israel

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult things we can experience in our lives. We grieve and feel the loss every moment.
For many of us, ensuring that our loved one is buried in Israel is of the utmost importance. We want them to find their final resting place in the land of our forefathers alongside the hundreds of generations of holy Jews spanning our entire history.
But living outside of Israel, preparing for a funeral in the Holy Land can be an incredible challenge – and can potentially discourage families altogether.
That’s why ZAKA has a special unit dedicated to taking care of the entire process from A to Z, free of charge. No Jew should be barred from being buried in their homeland, especially not for something as trivial as bureaucracy.
Since COVID-19 began, the process has become significantly more complicated. With many Jews passing away from the pandemic, ZAKA is averaging 7 requests per day, as opposed to an average of 3 or 4 requests per week before the pandemic.
But the work is not easy and ZAKA needs your help so that they can continue to ensure a proper Jewish burial in Israel for all those who seek it.
Will you help ZAKA offer this important service by making a one time donation?
Your contribution will help ensure that Jews living all around the world can have easy access to burying those who passed in the Land of Israel.
Yes! I want to help ZAKA assist mourning families with Jewish Burials in Israel!