ZAKA Israel
Need You Now!
Israel is under attack!
Our volunteers are in urgent need of
safety equipment, medical supplies,
first aid kits, and more…
ZAKA Israel
Need You Now!
Israel is under attack!
Our volunteers are in urgent need of
safety equipment, medical supplies,
first aid kits, and more…

Saving Lives

Respecting the Dead

Volunteering in Israel

International Search and rescue
ZAKA: “We save anyone who needs to be saved, and honor all people equally”. I can think of few more profound ways to define the mission not only of humanitarians, but of anyone who believes in the principles of equality, human rights, and dignity, that the UN was created to uphold.

Samantha Power

Benjamin Netanyahu

Haruhisa Takeuchi
The Half Shekel: A Symbol of Collective Responsibility and Shared Destiny
As the month of Adar II begins on this 1st day of 5784 (March 11, 2024), the Jewish community turns its attention to an ancient practice that has...
From Individuals to Nation: The Binding Force of Terumah Explored in Parashat “Terumah”
As we approach the reading of Parashat Terumah on Tuesday, 4 Adar I, 5784 (February 13, 2024), the Jewish community is invited to reflect on the...
Israeli casualties of October 7th, 2023
The violent onslaught that began on the 7th of October 2023 by Hamas terrorists from Gaza has brought unprecedented heartache and devastation to...
10 Practical Ways to Support Israel: How Your Contribution Can Make a Significant Impact
As the smoke clears from the devastating events that began on the 7th of October 2023, Israel faces one of its most challenging times. The...
Business donations to ZAKA charity for tax deduction
Key Takeaways: Donations to ZAKA provide tax benefits to donors, thanks to incentives provided by the IRS in the United States and the Canada...
An Introduction to Jewish Tithing and The Win-Win of Donating to Charities like ZAKA
Tithing in the Jewish tradition is a way of giving back to the community and supporting those in need. By donating a tenth of their earnings to...
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