Thousands of volunteers on call 24/7

To respond to any terror attack, accident or disaster.

Who Are WE

ZAKA Search and Rescue

ZAKA Search and Rescue is a UN-recognized humanitarian volunteer organization that provides a rapid response to mass casualty disasters across the world. To date, ZAKA has saved thousands of lives—and honored those who couldn’t be saved with dignity in death.

We are ready for whatever tomorrow brings.

Rapid rescue response to mass casualty incidents

To save men, women, and children from the brink of death.

Crisis training for local volunteers

To empower every community to mobilize their own resources—and save lives—in the first critical few days until international emergency forces arrive.

International Recognition and Operations

ZAKA has earned the support and recognition of the United Nations.


The UN recognizes ZAKA as an international volunteer humantirian organazation


ZAKA achieves advisory status as an official body at the UN


ZAKA training course recognized by INSARAG, the gold-standard world network of disaster-responding organazations


Trained Volunteers

Annual Volunteer Hours

Lives Touched


ZAKA Regularly Collaborates with International Emergency Forces:


Best practice sharing


Joint training exercises


Participation in annual NATO drills


Participation in annual multinational drill with the US National Guard


Participation in annual seminar of Inter-American Defense College, Washington DC


Regular hosting of international delegations who visit ZAKA to learn new techniques

Zaka Around the World

zaka search and rescue haiti

Haiti Earthquake 2010

“The stench of thousands of bodies is everywhere”

ZAKA’s delegation was one the first search and rescue team to arrive in Haiti: they disembarked just 24 hours after the earthquake. After assessing the situation with the local emergency forces, the team immediately set to work…

zaka search and rescue haiti

Nepal Earthquake 2015

“Absolute destruction”

ZAKA volunteers responded to the Nepal earthquake and brought specialized knowledge and expertise to the remote areas. ZAKA set up some of the first mobile emergency medical clinics in remote, difficult-to-reach locations… 

zaka search and rescue haiti

Guatemala Volcano Eruption 2018

“A shimmer of hope”

The ZAKA Guatemala unit was established in February 2018, when 45 volunteers from the local Jewish community and representatives from the local emergency services underwent intensive ZAKA search and rescue training. It was just four months later that they put that training to the test, when the Fuego volcano devastated the area…

Pittsburgh, October 2018

“An act of pure evil”

ZAKA Search and Rescue Commander in Pittsburgh Rabbi Elisar Admon remained at the scene of America’s deadliest anti-Semitic attack throughout the night. With patience and sensitivity, he briefed the FBI and emergency forces on Jewish burial laws, explaining the many issues that relate to honoring the dead despite the confines of an FBI crime scene… 

ZAKA Light Search and Rescue
Training Program

The training, which was recognized in 2016 by INSARAG, includes: 


Certification as emergency medical first responders


Security preparedness and response


Dealing with mass casualty incidents


Honoring the dead


Working with forensics


Simulation emergency drills

This was the lesson learned from the Haiti 2010 earthquake, when it became clear that it was the locals who’d succeeded in saving the most lives in those critical first days.

And this is why ZAKA developed its 5-day Light Search and Rescue training course.

In today’s world, where massive disasters—natural and manmade—often overwhelm local emergency forces, communities deserve to be empowered. They deserve to get the training and tools they need to rescue survivors until emergency forces arrive. This is why ZAKA offers a 5-day Light Search and Rescue Training to communities across the globe.


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