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Donate $1000 or More Get a Zaka/Iron Swords Medal

Thousands of volunteers on call 24/7

To respond to any terror attack, accident or disaster.

Zaka Units

zaka search and rescue haiti

Chesed Shel Emes

This unit has a unique mission – to honor and pay proper respect to the dead. They ensure a full Jewish burial for those who meet a sudden death, by collecting spilled blood and body parts at the terror or accident site.

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Rapid Rescue Unit

By populating the roads with ambucycles – fully equipped for any emergency – the Rapid Rescue Unit is always near and ready to help. Their swift response to emergencies has saved countless lives.

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Divers Unit

The ZAKA Divers Unit handles hundreds of search and rescue incidents a year at sea, in rivers and lakes. It is manned by specially-trained divers, many of whom had formerly served in the Israeli Navy.

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Emergency Unit

The ZAKA Emergency Unit includes thousands of volunteers who can be called upon during an emergency, such as a war or earthquake. They specialize in mobilizing within the first few days to offer assistance to the civilian population.

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Minorities Unit

The ZAKA Minorities Unit is comprised of members of Israel’s minorities, representatives of the country’s different communities, including in particular the Druze in the north and the Bedouins in the south. Other communities represented in the unit include Circassian, Christian, and Muslim. 

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International Rescue Unit

The Jerusalem-based ZAKA International Rescue Unit operates a specially trained team of volunteer paramedics and search and rescue professionals who are on call 24/7. They are ready to respond in the fastest possible time to major international mass casualty incidents, wherever they may occur. 

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Search and Rescue Units

In addition to ZAKA’s work in honoring the dead, the volunteer organization has grown organically over the years to provide specialist search and rescue units. They are an immediate-response unit which can be called upon, 24/7,  throughout the Israel, on land and at sea.

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K9 Unit

The highly trained K9 Unit is an essential part component to ZAKA’s search and rescue capabilities. With specially-trained dogs and handlers used in missing person searches, they are able to locate missing persons and bodies by smell.

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Jet Ski Unit

The Sapir Jet Ski Unit, provides additional assistance and logistical back up in ZAKA’s maritime rescue operations. The jet skis transport equipment to the site of the search, greatly enhancing the effectiveness and speed of a search operation in the water.

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Jeep Unit

The Jeep Unit is has specially-equipped ATVs, offering access and speed in difficult terrain for search and rescue missions. The unit also boast a special a Firefighting ATV wing.

About ZAKA

Founded in 1995, ZAKA is a dominant non-governmental rescue and recovery organization, with over 3,000 volunteers deployed around the country, on call 24/7 to respond to any terror attack, disaster or accident immediately, professionally and with the necessary equipment.

ZAKA volunteers also work in specialist search and rescue units on land and sea and the UN-recognized ZAKA International Rescue Unit operates at mass casualty incidents around the world.


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